
21 comments on “Toe-tapper

  1. So that movie was about a world without Freddie …. Mercury?

    1. I thought we were living in the darkest timeline, but apparently there’s a worse one.

      1. It’s an even more esoteric Freddie

        1. Freddie Garrity, of … and the Dreamers?

        2. Freddie who got fingered?

  2. Shelley ♡. Interesting start. I want to knows more.

  3. Nice 16-year callback!

    1. No kidding. That was a great one. At least Amy didn’t give in to the darkness of time travel copyright infringement. I always respected her for that.

  4. We’ve heard about the Beetles and the Whom… but what about the Rutting Stains? Er… the Roland Stornes? The Rutland Steins? Whatever they’re called. Have they ever made an appearance in any Tackleford comic?

    1. Brian Jones & The Stonetones

      1. Delightful!

    2. The Rolling Scones.

  5. SchadenfreudePersonified

    That Merseyside Group of Tuneless Pubescent-Girls-Fantasy-Boys were grossly over-rated anyway. Or would have been, had they existed.

  6. Shelley, we all know you’d do that. You HAVE done that!

    1. Yes, but that piece of history… was destroyed.

      1. We have seen the evidence, Shelley! Don’t play the innocent! 😀

    2. She had, but then Tim made it so she hadn’t. But she probably knows she would have.

  7. It’s an interesting question: if your job is to monitor the timeline, how do you know when you’ve screwed up a LITTLE?

  8. You know, one of the things I really like about your art style is you hand-letter all the sound effects and in-scene text (just not the dialog balloons) in what looks like a rough manner and it WORKS.

    1. It’s rough but only in the sense that that’s as good as I can make it look within my limited skill set, ha ha

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